Monday, August 20, 2012

JIP's Ramblings: In Defense of the word "Cool"

Good morning, good people. Let me pose a question: what does being cool mean to you? How is it that when we first meet someone we normally decide after a few words whether or not we consider a person “cool”? Taking it a step further, is this even a fair assessment for us to make?

Personally, I think that being cool has gotten a bad rap due to the surface-level connotation that’s become associated with it, so humor me and allow me to play defense attorney for the word “cool” here.

After discussing this question with some friends (more on them later), we came up with this: cool is the unapologetic approach for being who you are. So, I’m not talking about your exterior presence; that’s not who you actually are. Being cool is not about fitting into some mold of what society has deemed to be popular. That’s a trend. Trends come and go all the time and leave a trail of untagged Facebook pictures that we hope disappear from existence.

When I discuss being cool, I'm talking about what’s inside of you. This does not come and go. The person that you are when you’re all alone and forced to face yourself is the essence of your cool. The person who has a firm understanding of this and lets that individual shine through is the person who is truly cool.

Being cool is being true to who you are at all times, knowing that this might not always be the popular thing to do. You’re not a party person? That’s fine, go find what gets you excited in life. We all have our individual preferences, so never let anyone tell you what yours should be. The bottom-line is that you have to be yourself.

Finding this person is definitely a journey. I’m not going to sit here and pretend like I’m the same person that I was when I was 16 (thank God). As you go through life, the goal is to grow and evolve into a better, more complete person. Just to reiterate, though, be careful not to confuse your exterior person as what makes you cool. That person is going to change as the years go by. The person you are on the inside, however, isn’t going anywhere. You’re pretty much stuck with him/her, so you might as well make him/her the best that he/she can be.

Alright, that’s probably enough from me, so I’ll let the defense rest at this point. As I take my seat (and ponder whether or not I should take my awesomeness to law school), let me just add that I would love to hear your individual perspectives on what is cool to you. My ramblings aren’t the end all, be all, so feel free to join the conversation.

I don't say this enough, but thanks for visiting and I hope you come back soon.



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