Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Enjoy Life's Ride

Happy 4th of July, all.  Before I start eating a ridiculous amount of food today, I had a random thought: the beauty in life lies in the ride that it takes you on.  The fact that things are ever changing and you never know what will be thrown at you, that’s what we should be enjoying.

It happens to all of us from time to time that we harp on the few things in life that are not working out as we planned, while we completely overlook and take for granted the things that are going amazingly well.  Is your relationship heading south?  That’s (possibly) unfortunate.  But are you in good health?  Do you have friends and family that love you?  These are things that we can’t and shouldn’t take for granted.

The fact of the matter is that life will never be perfect.  I’ve never known anyone who no longer has wants and desires in life.  Instead of looking at that as a negative thing, how about we use that as motivation?  Because it is not perfect, we always have something to work long as we appreciate the good things that we have going on.

It all comes down to the fact that there is a larger plan that is at work for all of us.  For those who know the Desiderata, my favorite line is: “And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should”.  As a glass half full type of person, I believe that the issues that we are faced with today set us up for greatness in the future, as long as we let them.

Hopefully this means something to somebody on this beautiful Independence Day.



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